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These are my doodle friends, doodle rooms, doodle thoughts
"Half and Half"
Half and half.
Half crushed and half crushing.
Half can’t stop feeling, half can’t stop thinking. And somehow it all feels okay.
Feels as it should be.

"Campfire Heartache"
Every wildfire right now is hurting my heart. I’m thankful so many campers at Mammoth Pool Reservoir were rescued. I wish I could swoop up the wildlife and the trees and the homes into my arms and save it all at once. Take care of each other.

Isn't it so obvious when someone or something is stuck on our minds? it's almost like our brains feel exposed. Like we can actually feel the jiggly pink stuff with the wind. Or is that just me? I like it anyways- thinking about you like this.

"Cloud 9"
I miss concerts the most. I miss the drums replacing my heartbeat, I miss that split second of silence right before the first song comes on. I miss the people, the plastic 21+ bracelets, the dancing, the crowd trying to shimmy out at the end of the night. I miss cloud 9.

Forever i've wanted a hat like this. I thought it was cool to break a bone, I never have. Socks under sandles make me cringe, but sunscreen that hasn't been rubbed in yet reminds me of my mom. She'd rub our faces around in silly circles just to make sure we we're covered up and it was all rubbed in.

"Sunday Girl"
She's calm, cool and collected. Thriving plants, a little sunshine, comfy socks too warm for the weather and her monthly playlist on repeat all day. Must be a Sunday.

"Thinking of You"
I feel you on my mind. On my head. It's like you're on my shoulder, but rather than the devil and the angel you're just you. Perfectly you, smiling. And I've got nothing but heart eyes.

"Messy on Purpose"
He finally found his dream place. Tall ceilings, big windows. He bought a pair of white overalls just so he could paint his walls, be messy and feel alive. There's nothing like the first day in a new place.

"Donut Dad"
Happy Birthday Dad. I've always loved your morning routine of coffee and silence. For today, I'll be the donut. We can pick up the morning paper together and start our days smiling.

"Nature Walks"
Inspired by my grandma, and tiny little me taking walks in the rain, picking up worms, leaves, anything we could see crawling through the cracks. I remember the most peaceful, calm happiness in me at that age- fearless to everything new in nature.

"Cookie Legs"
Born poolside in Palm Springs, can you tell? Guaranteed to bring you simple joy. Just like wearing socks and sandals on a hot day. Well, maybe. We'll leave that to Cookie Legs.

"Pizza Family"
I'm one of those crazy pizza lovers. I'm also a people lover, family lover, lover of pepperoni and mushroom. Same day pizza, next day pizza, frozen pizza kinda pizza. Join me; join them in the oven!

"Lava Lounge"
Somehow since forever I was always stuck in this attraction to lava lamps, beaded doorways and egg chairs. I still want a room in my house one day to kind of look like this. Neon signs, furry rugs. All of it.

"You and Blue"
Sometimes you find yourself in a dunk tank full of someone else's heart and heartbreaks and something about it all makes you want to stay submerged in the thick of it all. That something I think is love.

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